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Dad's Life Legacy Poem
One day, at a wedding, Anne caught Jim’s eye,
They married quite quickly and people wondered why 
Soon they could announce, more joy was in store;
With their twins arriving, became a family of four.
A Dad who told stories; a Dad who ‘did voices’;
A Dad who was there for us and made good choices.
Assault courses to be played and songs to be sung;
There was so much laughter and tickles and fun.
He always worked hard, spinning so many plates,
Treated us to Jersey, Greece and the States.
Wonderful holidays and memories that are golden;
Those snapshots don’t fade when we preciously hold them.
But the universe gave those glory days a kick;
And the days turned dark when Anne got sick.
All of our lives crashed in calamity,
As he asked the world ‘How could you take Anne from me?’
It’s fair to say that I went off the rails;
I’m so grateful you freed my eyes from the scales.
You were my lighthouse in a very tough storm;
Thank you for welcoming me home, safe and warm.
Milestone Birthday
Many of us have been touched by Sue’s skill
All of us inspired by her acts of goodwill
She’s the one who steps in when things really matter
And you can always rely on her warm-bantered chatter
We are all so happy she recently found love
It seems the two of them fit like a glove
For clarity here, I refer to her spouse
Not to her dog, who’s the boss in her house!
Thank you for being there through good times and bad
Rejoicing our triumphs and consoling the sad
We’re celebrating fifty wonderful years of you
Our warm, kind, gift-from-God; the wonderful Sue.